
Autism is a lifelong developmental disability which typically appears during the first three years of life. Autism affects the way the brain processes information and prevents the individuals from properly understanding learn, speak and behave like other normally developed children do.

Children with Autism do not follow the same rules of communication and socialization that comes naturally to other children. A number of autistic children do not ever develop speech, while other do but rarely use language to communicate. The symptoms range from a mild learning and socially disability to a severe impairment, known as “Spectrum Disorder”. An Autistic child may look like any other child but has distinctive and unusual behaviours and speech patterns.

Signs of Autism

  • Does not respond to his/her name
  • Avoids eye contact
  • Repeats or echos words,questions and has meaningless self talk.
  • Does not point with the index finger to indicate interest.
  • Difficulty in mixing and playing with other children.
  • Stereotype repetitive behaviours like flapping hands, body rocking, aimless running, shouting, etc.,
  • Inappropriate laughing & giggling.
  • Obsessions to objects.
  • Appears to be hyper active.
  • Inconsolable crying behaviour.
  • Resistance to change in Routines.
  • Can do some tasks very well (eg. puzzles) but not tasks involving social understanding.
  • Display goodrote memory for nursery rhymes, commercial jingles, facts and routes
  • No understanding of fear & real dangers.
  • Not respond to normal Teaching methods.